vancouver time lapse

The original LOL cat


Washington, DC's Phantom Black Cat

This week seemed an apt time to ponder our nation’s political ghosts. We all know Abraham Lincoln haunts the White House along with Andrew Jackson and a host of first ladies, Woodrow Wilson is seen in a rocking chair at Blair House, and a great many ghosts are associated with the other federal government buildings in Washington. But one ghost is known to be seen in at least two places always heralding disaster for the nation.

It is the Phantom black cat. Seen in the basements of the White House, the mall and the Capitol, DC as it is called (short for Demon Cat) is reported to appear just before national disasters. When seen, it is sometimes reported to appear as a kitten, but as you get closer it grows into a menacing and angry tiger-like animal with red glowing eyes. It is only seen at night, and normally only by people that are alone. It made an appearance before the stock market crash of 1929, and again before the assassination of John F. Kennedy. At the White House, it is usually seen during times - such as now - when the presidency is moving to a new person.

The origin of the story may lie with the fact that the capitol was once infested with rats. The problem became so severe, that caretakers released a large number of cats in the building to control the rat population. Ever since, the black cat has made his appearance. Guards fear even talking about seeing the animal, mainly as it might cause them to lose their security clearance, but stories abound from retired federal employees.

Personally I wish they’d tell us whenever it is seen. Whether a concocted urban legend or a legitimate paranormal phenomena, DC remains a fascinating and little-known phantom that remains unique in its ability to appear in multiple different places, always before a disaster. If it really does exist, more information would be quite welcome.

Ufo Guy

"I do not have any money so am sending you this drawing I did of a spider instead."

David Icke: Was He Right? Documentary

David Vaughan Icke (born 29 April, 1952) is a British writer and public speaker who has devoted himself since 1990 to researching "who and what is really controlling the world." A former professional football player, reporter, television sports presenter, and spokesman for the Green Party, he is the author of 20 books explaining his views.

Icke argues that he has developed a moral and political worldview that combines New Age spiritualism with a passionate denunciation of what he sees as totalitarian and Orwellian trends in the modern world, a position that has been described as "New Age conspiracism."

At the heart of Icke's theories is the view that the world is ruled by a secret group referred to as the "Global Elite" or "Illuminati," which he has linked to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic hoax. In 1999, he published The Biggest Secret, in which he wrote that the Illuminati are a race of reptilian humanoids known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.

According to Political Research Associates, Icke's speaking engagements can draw a substantial audience in Canada, with his organisers claiming as many as 1000 people attending one in Vancouver. During an October 1999 speaking tour there, he received a standing ovation from students after a four-hour speech at the University of Toronto, while his books were removed from the shelves of Indigo Books across Ontario after protests from the Canadian Jewish Congress.


Rabies the Sea Lion

new video: MGMT - Electric Feel

Tis is not official and is only fan made. The song 'Electric Feel' is from their latest album Oracular Spectacular 2008.

Oldest Shaman Grave Found; Includes Foot, Animal Parts

Archaeologists in northern Israel say they have discovered the world's oldest known grave of a shaman. The 12,000-year-old grave holds an elderly female of the mysterious Natufian culture, animal parts, and a human foot.

The immediate area contains several burials, but the shaman's grave is unique in its construction, contents, and arrangement.

"From the standpoint of the status of the grave and its contents, no Natufian burial like this one has ever been found," lead archaeologist Leore Grosman said.

"This indicates the woman had a distinct societal position."

The Hilazon Tachtit site—9 miles (14 kilometers) inland from Israel's Mediterranean coastline—is associated with the Natufian culture, which flourished in the eastern Mediterranean between 11,500 and 15,000 years ago.

Hundreds of Natufian graves have been excavated in Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. But only the one uncovered by Grosman contains a woman believed to have been a shaman.

The term "shaman" originated in Siberia, but these magic-invoking priest-doctors are common in cultures around the globe.

The 1.5-meter-tall (nearly 5-foot-tall), 45-year-old woman was relatively old for her time. After her death, she was placed in a mud-plastered and rock-lined pit in a cave and was buried beneath a large stone slab.

She was not buried with everyday items and tools, as hunters, warriors, or political leaders were. Instead, her grave contained 50 arranged turtle shells and parts of wild pigs, eagles, cows, leopards, martens, and a human foot, among other artifacts.

Shedding Light on Strange Rites

During this period Natufian culture changed from a nomadic, hunting-and-gathering culture to a sedentary, agriculture-based lifestyle, according to Grosman, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Grosman received partial funding from the National Geographic Society's Committee for Research and Exploration for her work on the Natufian site. (The National Geographic Society owns National Geographic News.)

This transition was likely accompanied by an evolution of the culture's social structure as well as new rules, rituals, and belief systems. (Continue Reading.....)

Roommate Alien Prank Goes Bad

Chad Hates Aliens

Legal case against God dismissed

A US judge has thrown out a case against God, ruling that because the defendant has no address, legal papers cannot be served.

The suit was launched by Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers, who said he might appeal against the ruling.He sought a permanent injunction to prevent the "death, destruction and terrorisation" caused by God.

Judge Marlon Polk said in his ruling that a plaintiff must have access to the defendant for a case to proceed.

"Given that this court finds that there can never be service effectuated on the named defendant this action will be dismissed with prejudice," Judge Polk wrote in his ruling.

Mr Chambers cannot refile the suit but may appeal.

'God knows everything'

Mr Chambers sued God last year. He said God had threatened him and the people of Nebraska and had inflicted "widespread death, destruction and terrorisation of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants".

He said he would carefully consider Judge Polk's ruling before deciding whether to appeal.

The court, Mr Chambers said, had acknowledged the existence of God and "a consequence of that acknowledgement is a recognition of God's omniscience".

"Since God knows everything," he reasoned, "God has notice of this lawsuit."

Mr Chambers, a state senator for 38 years, said he filed the suit to make the point that "anyone can sue anyone else, even God".

Giant lego man appears on Brighton beach

It is thought to have washed up on the beach, and was spotted by children playing there.

The Lego man is 6ft tall in red, yellow and green. It is presumed to have washed up on the beach, but whether it has come from a cargo ship or from across the Channel is not clear.

Brighton resident Gerry Turner, 34, said: "It's very odd. God knows how it got here but people are saying it's from Holland because it's got some Dutch writing on it. It must have fallen off a boat of something. The kids love it."

Children helped stand the Lego man up on the beach, but are still mystified as to where it came from. One said: "It's great, but we don't know why it's here."
A spokesman for Brighton and Hove City Council said it didn't know the origin of the Lego man, but said it was fine for it to remain on the beach.

He said: "There's no problem at all. It will be interesting to see how long the Lego man stays there for. We'll keep an eye on it."

A different giant Lego man was fished out of the sea in the Dutch resort of Zandvoort in August. That model was yellow and blue, and had the words "No real than you are" in English across its torso. That toy was said to come from England, so perhaps the Dutch decided to return the favour.

This year is the 30th anniversary of the Lego man, who was created as a policeman in August 1978. Since then he has been recreated as an astronaut, cowboy, pirate and diver, as well as a number of film roles from Star Wars to Harry Potter.

AVGN: Frankenstein (Episode #58)


Zeitgeist: God's Sun

Justice vs. Simian - We Are Your Friends

Local family learns to live with haunting house stories

The Schwartz family's East Toledo house is ready for Halloween. Among its many decorations is a sign above the front door: "Enter if you dare."

Like others who've transformed this time of year into a $5 billion-plus annual seasonal bonanza, Ron and Cyndy Schwartz and three daughters still living at home go all out - but that sign may be more fair warning than decoration.

During the 17 years the family has lived in this story-and-a-half house (longer for Cyndy, whose childhood home this is), they've shared the place with "it," or "him," or "that."

A presence, they call it. A ghost, if you will.

This Kelsey Avenue house, its owners say, has had inexplicable noises and freaky happenings practically every day they've lived there. All four daughters, ages 21 to 14, have had friends too wary to spend the night or, sometimes, even set foot inside.

For the Schwartzes, it was like a family parlor game the other afternoon, recalling the ways "it" has made itself known.

"We were all here in the front room once," said Ron Schwartz, "watching a movie, and all of a sudden the water in [the kitchen] was running full force."

"Oh, and the lights!" chimed in 14-year-old Haley, who said they often find lights burning where they're sure the switch was turned off.

There was also the mysterious red liquid that seeped through the basement walls as Mr. Schwartz tried to paint. Plus the time Brittany's electric flat-iron turned itself on, despite not being plugged in. And then there's Alex, the aging Labrador retriever who can suddenly become restless and pant frantically for no reason.

But the most consistent tale was of the footsteps the family hears almost daily, as if someone is walking across the upstairs floorboards - even when there's only one person in the house.

The 18-year-old twins, Brittany and Brandy, say they won't sleep without closing the closet doors in their upstairs bedroom. Their mother, meanwhile, is the opposite.

"Oh, I have to keep mine open!" Cyndy said, prompting Haley to blurt, "You're crazy!"

For Cyndy, who moved here with her parents at age 4, the house's oddities are a lifelong mystery. Like her daughters, she also had friends who wouldn't enter.

Retired Toledo police detective Bob Poiry was called to this house in the mid-1960s to stand by as its previous occupants moved out hastily. They were following the advice of a priest who investigated and blamed the relentless crazy incidents on poltergeists, warning the couple their place could burn down.

Helping the family with its final sweep, the then-young officer checked a back upstairs bedroom. Hearing a noise in the closet, he opened the door and was bowled over by an explosive flame that filled the house with smoke.

Yesterday, Bob told me again how the state fire marshal never could find a cause. Some four decades later, the man who ended his career solving homicides remains baffled by the inexplicable fire and convinced something supernatural exists at the Kelsey Avenue house.

"You can ask any of the old-timers around here," Cyndy said, "they all know about this house."

The Burial Caves of Sagada

The Sagada (Mountain Province, Philippines) caves could get you mystifying just like the Pyramids of Egypt. The cliffs of Sagada welcomes you with dozens of coffins hanging in the cliff made of limestones.

The unique burial ritual of the people of Sagada involves placing their dead relatives into caves after carefully preparing a hollowed out log. The log or coffin are carved by the elderly themselves in anticipation of their death. The weak or ill ones usually ask their sons or relatives to do it for them.

The dead body is then pushed into the tight spaces of the coffin, and during this process, bones are usually cracked and broken. The coffins are then brought high in the burial caves or cliffs – places seemingly impossible to reach. This practice has been done for more than 2,000 years.

Continue Reading @

Bizarre Pet Store Opens in New York

NOTCOT: Banksy's Village Petstore & Charcoal Grill from Jean Aw on Vimeo

halloween frights playlist

A collection of some of the goriest and coolest horror clips and scenes just in time for Halloween from Woland Productions Youtube channel. 18+


Friday the 13th 4 Montage

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Trailer

Tales From The Crypt Intro

Opera of Splatter


the juice!

Michael Myers Is Way Cooler in 'Halloween's' Deleted Scenes

The Dears: Missiles (New Album)

By Pete Donahue

The Dears‘ fourth studio full-length offering, Missiles, is a little gem you might want to keep your ears on for the next few months. Sure, upon its initial listen, the album may have pulled you in a few more directions than you were ready for. But like the Montreal outfit’s other studio albums, this one’s a “grower.” It’ll creep up on you note by note, song by song and then it’s one of your favorite albums of the year. But wait, how did that happen?

Missiles is a record born out of despair. Despite being shortlisted for Canada’s Polaris Music Prize with their 2006 album Gang of Losers, Murray Lightburn and gang found themselves without a North American record label in 2008. Ah, and the dreaded creative differences and other musical obligations among members caused the once six-strong band to dwindle back down to its original members, singer/songwriter Lightburn and his wife, keyboardist Natalia Yanhack. But as Gang of Losers depicts, having their backs against the wall isn’t anything new for the Dears. Their response? Lightburn writes the Dears’ best album to date in Missiles.....(Read more here - taken from Muzzle Of Bees Music Blog)

Chimpanzee Rides Segway

Even Newer Video! Wolf Parade - Language City

This is yet another attempt for me at a Wolf Parade video from their album At Mount Zoomer (2008). This is only a fan made project and definitely not official. I hope you all like it and please send me your comments. If your still interested, check out my other video Kissing The Beehive that I also put together. Enjoy and rate!

Language City
Wolf Parade
At Mount Zoomer 2008

Die Nashörner (Rhinoceroses)
Directed by: Jan Lenica 1965

Destroyer - Plaza Trinidad

This is my new fan made video. This is not official and I am not affiliated with the band. Hope you all enjoy and please rate!

Plaza Trinidad by
Trouble In Dreams (2008)

Various Public Domain Films

Thanks For Watching!

Hide & Seek World Champs

Handome Furs: CBC Radio interview


3 New Videos! More to Come!

Hello everyone.

I've been out of the picture lately as I have just returned home from a 6 week trip that took me for a drive across Canada. It was a hell of a time but I didn't have a camera handy, which means no footage, which sucks. But anyways I have just finished working on two new "60's animation" videos as well as a little clip I took one day at the Vancouver Zoo. Enjoy.

Black Moth Super Rainbow
Smile Heavy
Taken From: Start A People (2004)

We Are Scientists - Ghouls
Brain Thrust Mastery 2008
Celebration - I Am All of These
Fadiman Productions 1983

And here's a little video that caught my eye while I was writing this post. Some what in the same style I have been looking for. Lots of Eye Candy and catchy song.

Now that I'm back on a roll and have lots of stock footage to seep over, I should be putting out some more videos on a fairly regular basis. So look out! Thanks to all the fans of my stuff and keep the ratings high!

SEEKING: Vancouverite Stories

Hey everyone. As I have posted on here before, I am heading back to school in the fall to Capilano College, or soon to be Capilano University. If anyone knows where that is, it's located in North Vancouver, British Columbia. Anyways I am taking the Documentary program and need to work on some idea's and concepts for upcoming stories and projects. Now my mind is totally open to any possibilities here. (Folks, I am looking for ANY input or idea's that you may have!) If you would like to be in a movie, can handle being in front of the camera, and you have an interesting story to tell, or knows of someone who does, please get in contact with me. Now I know that MOST people reading this wont be from the BC area, but that is where most if not all of the interviews will be taking place.

If you have any ideas or just some random story your itiching to tell and would like me to share it or possibly use it, drop me a line! Most of stories that I discover or that I will use will be conducted and filmed roughly from September 2008 to April 2009.


Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Moya
Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada 1999

Film (edited)
Nuit et brouillard (Night and Fog)
Argos Films 1955

Two New Videos & A New Website (Sorta)

So this is my first post in a very long while. I just haven't had the time as of late to get on the ball and finally make a website, or a blog as they say. Anyways over the past few weeks I have been working on some new videos. Nothing fancy, just working with some old archival animations I found online like the 1964 short animation titled "The Hangman". It's a very creepy short animation of 11 minutes in length that is about a visitor, presumably death aka the hangman, who comes to town and tricks the townspeople to their deaths at the gallows. The story is based on a poem of the same name by Maurice Ogden. It just so seems that the song Kissing the Beehive, which I have been listening to a lot, is by the amazing band from Montreal, Canada - WOLF PARADE! Check it out and please leave your comments and ratings on my youtube name seattlejam!

'Wolf Parade - Kissing The Beehive'
recently featured on the website

The second video I worked on took a little more time but It was for the song 'Kim & Jessie' by M83. When I first heard the song it immediately struck me as a very haunting and sad song, presumably about heartache, or loss. It was when I came across 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', made in 1923 and directed by Wallace Worsley, that i found a match. that's all there really is too say about that, so on to the video. Oh, and please leave comments and ratings as well.

'M83 - Kim & Jessie'

Over the years since I first joined many people have asked me where I find my images, footage or videos. All i ask is please don't request or ask me where I find my videos. I have several sources on the net as well as the pile of tapes of my own footage that i like to work with. The sources that i have, I hold very dear and don't want people to simply copy me, even though it's not all of my footage. I never intend to steal or rip off anyone. I just consider myself a "video dj" I suppose. Anyways with all that said, please send me your comments, concerns, ideas, requests and god-have-you suggestions as I am all ears. I love to receive feedback and it helps me deal with the pain ;)