3 New Videos! More to Come!

Hello everyone.

I've been out of the picture lately as I have just returned home from a 6 week trip that took me for a drive across Canada. It was a hell of a time but I didn't have a camera handy, which means no footage, which sucks. But anyways I have just finished working on two new "60's animation" videos as well as a little clip I took one day at the Vancouver Zoo. Enjoy.

Black Moth Super Rainbow
Smile Heavy
Taken From: Start A People (2004)

We Are Scientists - Ghouls
Brain Thrust Mastery 2008
Celebration - I Am All of These
Fadiman Productions 1983

And here's a little video that caught my eye while I was writing this post. Some what in the same style I have been looking for. Lots of Eye Candy and catchy song.

Now that I'm back on a roll and have lots of stock footage to seep over, I should be putting out some more videos on a fairly regular basis. So look out! Thanks to all the fans of my stuff and keep the ratings high!