Two New Videos & A New Website (Sorta)

So this is my first post in a very long while. I just haven't had the time as of late to get on the ball and finally make a website, or a blog as they say. Anyways over the past few weeks I have been working on some new videos. Nothing fancy, just working with some old archival animations I found online like the 1964 short animation titled "The Hangman". It's a very creepy short animation of 11 minutes in length that is about a visitor, presumably death aka the hangman, who comes to town and tricks the townspeople to their deaths at the gallows. The story is based on a poem of the same name by Maurice Ogden. It just so seems that the song Kissing the Beehive, which I have been listening to a lot, is by the amazing band from Montreal, Canada - WOLF PARADE! Check it out and please leave your comments and ratings on my youtube name seattlejam!

'Wolf Parade - Kissing The Beehive'
recently featured on the website

The second video I worked on took a little more time but It was for the song 'Kim & Jessie' by M83. When I first heard the song it immediately struck me as a very haunting and sad song, presumably about heartache, or loss. It was when I came across 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', made in 1923 and directed by Wallace Worsley, that i found a match. that's all there really is too say about that, so on to the video. Oh, and please leave comments and ratings as well.

'M83 - Kim & Jessie'

Over the years since I first joined many people have asked me where I find my images, footage or videos. All i ask is please don't request or ask me where I find my videos. I have several sources on the net as well as the pile of tapes of my own footage that i like to work with. The sources that i have, I hold very dear and don't want people to simply copy me, even though it's not all of my footage. I never intend to steal or rip off anyone. I just consider myself a "video dj" I suppose. Anyways with all that said, please send me your comments, concerns, ideas, requests and god-have-you suggestions as I am all ears. I love to receive feedback and it helps me deal with the pain ;)